Emotional Intelligence WorkBook
This workbook was put together in using the reference of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves. The book actually focuses on Self Awareness, Self – Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. All four of these topics are important in mastering Emotional Intelligence overall. For the program OPTIMUM we a specifically focused on Self – Awareness and Self – Management. During this course we will also touch briefly on Body Language and the importance of it as it relates to sports.
To be socially present, you must be self – aware and remove distractions, especially the ones inside your head. First, we all have conversations and chatter going on inside our heads, we talk to ourselves constantly. We’re so busy having these internal chats that we tune the outside world out— which is counterproductive to self-awareness. The second culprit is a process where we form our responses while the person we’re talking with is still in fact talking. This, too is counterproductive—it’s tough to listen to yourself and the coach/trainer fully. When you are in a conversation don’t interrupt the coach/trainer/person until he or she is completely finished. Next, to squelch the voice that is planning your response, it’s important to catch yourself in the act; and when you do, stop yourself and clear away the clutter.
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